All applications for school places are made through the Local Authority.  Please click the link below to apply for a place in any year group from 7 to Sixth Form.   Ceredigion County Council School Admissions page. 

Penglais School Admssion form: Admission-Form-June-2024-NEW.docx    

Year 7

If your child is in Year 6 and you are thinking about applying for a school place with Penglais, there will be Transition Activities, including Open Evenings and Transition Days when these can be arranged.

All admission deadlines and important information for Year 7 can be found here and applications are made through the Local Authority website.

School Transfers


If you wish to transfer your child to Ysgol Penglais School, please send your application through Ceredigion County Council Website.

The booklet below provides parents and prospective students with information about Penglais School.


Helpful Links

Free School Meal Application

School Uniform

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Additional Learning Needs (ALN)

School Transport



Please click here to download our School Admissions Policy.