Students are expected to attend all timetabled lessons and reviews punctually. Ysgol Penglais School Sixth Form recognises the link between a student’s attendance and their academic outcomes.  Where we have concerns about your attendance, we will work with you to support you to improve it.  Continuing with us from Year 12 in to Year 13 is not automatic and attendance will be considered as a factor in our decision. In extreme cases, ongoing low attendance with no improvement may result in a student being removed from roll.

Our attendance concern procedure is:

Initial concern – conversation with Attendance Officer- support agreed – home informed

Further concern – regular monitoring meetings with Sixth Form Team – home informed

Ongoing concern – meeting with Head of Sixth Form – home informed

Long term concern – attendance contract meeting with Head of Sixth Form – parent or guardian invited

Contract broken – final warning meeting with Head of Sixth Form – parent or guardian invited

Final warning ignored – meeting with Headteacher – parent/guardian present – student removed from roll

Please do not book driving lessons during timetabled school lessons. Medical and dental appointments should be booked outside of school hours where possible.  We may ask to see an appointment card should you need time away from school for these.

If you have an ongoing medical condition that has an impact on your ability to attend Sixth Form, we warmly encourage you to share this information with us.  We may ask for medical evidence to be kept confidentially on your file and will ask you about the sort of support that would be useful to you whilst you are studying with us.

We encourage you to take responsibility for reporting absence, however please be aware that we must have this information from parents or guardian before it can be officially recorded on the register.

You may report absences in any of the following ways:

Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)

EMA is funding of £30 per week for 16-18 years olds living in Wales who want to continue their education at an eligible learning centre, such as Ysgol Penglais School Sixth Form.  The funding is awarded based on your household income and residency status.  It does not have an impact on any other benefits that you or your family may be already receiving.  EMA is paid directly to you, not to your parent or guardian.  To find out more, look out for posters in the Sixth Form Centre, look at the Student Finance Wales website or ask Miss Asukile for further details.