Head of Faculty: Mr J Evans
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The Creative and PE faculty consists of five departments; Music, Drama, PE, Design Technology and Art. Students at Penglais experience all subjects at Key Stage 3 and can then opt for the subjects at GCSE and A level. These options include Engineering, Product Design, Drama, Art, Child Development, Food and Nutrition, Physical Education, and Music. We have many talented students in these subjects and have had many past students who have progressed to careers within these areas.
Creative Faculty aims:
Engagement: To inspire and motivate students to enjoy our lessons, make good contributions and where levels of engagement and motivation are high.
Teaching: A faculty where collaborative developments in teaching and learning pedagogy influences positive outcomes.
Learning: A faculty where restorative approaches support learning, behaviour for learning, student progress, positive and wellbeing. Students are supported to achieve their potential.
Leadership: A faculty which provides leadership opportunities and develops leadership skills in both students and staff. Students and staff are confident in undertaking leadership roles and encouraged to do so.
Results: Students make good progress throughout the year and exam results across all subjects show continuous improvement in trends and for all target groups.
Design Technology
Subject Leader: Mr J Evans
Contact Email:
About Design and Technology
We wear design; interact with design; we are influenced by design; we sit on, sleep in, download, drive, talk about, talk into and admire design. Yet, it is something we take for granted and we rarely consider how important it is to our everyday lives. Design, manufacture and technology fuel our economy and the UK has a long history of producing some of the best innovators and creative minds. The UK has the largest design industry in Europe and the second largest in the world. We excel in this area and the creative industries have changed the shape of employment hugely in recent years. There are many job opportunities in areas of Graphic and Digital design, alongside opportunities in Product and Fashion design and we are very proud of our past students who are now working as designers around the UK.
Design is a dynamic industry and is worth over £50 billion a year in the UK. Design is ever changing; in fact designers are changing our lives forever.
Design and Technology at Ysgol Penglais School
Design and Technology offers a unique opportunity for students to identify and solve real problems by designing and making products. This subject is interesting, fun and can lead to many careers. As well as learning design related skills, students will develop transferable skills that they can use in other subjects and skills that employers are looking for such as problem solving, using initiative, working with others, reflecting and improving on performance. Our subject develops our student’s imagination and creative ability in a practical and enjoyable environment.
Subject Leader: Mrs T Harper
Contact Email:
The Art department aims to encourage the development of each child in a holistic manner. There are many challenging facets to Art work, even within the delivery of the subject in the earliest years of a child’s educational life. Art should be enjoyed as a visually and intellectually stimulating past time and encourages the observation and appreciation of many varied aspects of human life through its myriad range of historical and cultural diversity.
Students are exposed to a variety of very different disciplines including drawing and painting, 3-dimensional work, graphics, textiles and photography, in theme or project form. During this work they will be required to address issues of a visual, emotional, cultural, historical, spiritual, imaginative and crafts-based nature.
The atmosphere in the Art rooms is one of disciplined creativity and enjoyment through a wide range of curricular learning experiences. Good classroom practice and student management is essential in this subject due to its environmental and physical speciality. It is also a subject, where, due to its very individual nature as work is developed, the teacher and student are able to develop personal understanding on a one to one basis, which can be employed as a positive factor in the teacher’s guidance and expectations of individual performance.
Staff List
Head of Faculty: Mr Jonathan Evans
Tracy Harper (Subject Leader)
Jess Weeks
Barrie Stott (Subject Leader)
Phil Budd (Subject Leader)
Rachel Blair
Design Technology
Jonathan Evans (Subject Leader)
Fiona Hill
Dmitri Bucicov
John Kelsey (Engineering and Technician)
Mike Barrett (Technician)
Jason Retter
Joanna Gnat (Food Technician)