Health & Wellbeing

The Health and Well-being curriculum provides opportunities for students to develop their understanding of health and well-being. It is concerned with developing the capacity of learners to navigate life’s opportunities and challenges. These lessons will support learners to understand and appreciate how the different components of health and well-being are interconnected, and to recognise that good health and well-being are important to enable successful learning.

Lessons may also be supported by guest speakers throughout the year.

Year 7

TermUnit/Project titleKey assessment piece
 Autumn1.      Mental Health – The Sleep Project 2.      Physical Health – Nutrition and Hydration1.      Written self-assessment of sleep hygiene   2.      Multiple choice quiz
 Spring1.      Relationships -Bullying and Sexting1.      Written response to a case study
 Summer1.      Social and emotional Well-Being – The Walking Project 2.      Careers1.      A written or oral reflection on the emotional benefits of outdoor activity

Year 8

TermUnit/Project titleKey assessment piece
 AutumnMental Health – Benefits of an active lifestyle1.      Create a short film or story board 2.      Multiple choice quiz
 SpringPhysical Health – Nutrition and Hydration1.      Create a one-week meal plan for an individual
 Summer Social and emotional Well-Being – developing resilience Careers1.      ‘Problem page’ response

Year 9

TermUnit/Project titleKey assessment piece
 Autumn1.      Risks of a sedentary lifestyle. 2.      Staying Safe1.      Create a short film or story board 2.      Multiple choice quiz
 Spring1. Life-long learning – financial    well-being 2. Careers1.  Numeracy activity
 Summer1.      Relationships 2.      Being assertive1.      Response to real-life scenario

Year 10 and Year 11

Topics will include:

  • Mental and emotional well-being
  • Developing positive relationships
  • Staying safe
  • Sex and Relationship Education
  • Careers and lifelong Learning
  • Financial well-being

Students will not have to complete an exam or coursework in this subject.  Health and Well-being assessment will consist of continuous, low stakes quizzes and activities throughout the course.