Inclusion Faculty
Head of Faculty: Owain Jones
Contact Email:
The faculty educate students who find mainstream education difficult or stressful. We provide a different route for the students including alternative curriculums outside of school and work experience. We work with outside providers to find the best opportunities for them. The students aim to receive 5 C or equivalent GCSEs but will follow a different path to achieve this. Our faculty is supported by a range of outside agencies including SEBSA and Youth Workers. The students can attend part time or full time depending on their needs. There are two main areas which are HAFAN and BONT.
HAFAN is the area where students go if they are stressed, feel anxious or require intervention. It is a very calm environment where students can discuss their issues or carry on with their work with little distraction.
Students attend the BONT if they have difficulties settling, concentrating or cooperating in class which affects their own and others opportunities to learn. It is a space for students to learn in a calm and nurturing environment. We prioritise literacy and numeracy as well as the options of studying courses such as Personal Social Development, BTEC Art, Gardening, BTEC Sport and Home Cooking Skills.
Click here for our Curriculum Booklets.
Staff List
Mr O. Jones (Faculty Leader)
Miss H Sefton
Mrs T Jones